Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Iscential is ready for the big one. Flood that is.
And we want to make sure you are too.

Flood season is here, and the Houston area is making up for last year's drought with some massive rains. Iscential CEO, Warren Barhorst is stressing to his clients and the community the importance of knowing the risks of flooding, and offers tips on how best to be prepared.

"Long ago, we made a commitment to educating our clients, potential clients and all of the residents in our region about the destructive power of floodwaters, whether they are the results of hurricanes or thunderstorms," says Barhorst. "The reality is that practically everyone—but especially everyone in the greater Houston area—is one big storm away from devastating floods that could wreck your homes and wreak havoc with your family's physical and financial well-being."

"We all need to be better educated about how to protect our families and our assets from floodwaters," Barhorst continues. "Whether you purchase a policy with us or not, we want to ensure that you are equipped with the latest information to prepare yourself and your loved ones for the dangers of dealing with floodwaters."

Barhorst offers a few important facts:

Just six inches of rapidly moving water can knock an adult down
  • Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars causing loss of control and stalling
  • A mere two feet of water can float a large vehicle, even a bus.
  • One-third of flooded roads and bridges are so damaged by water that any vehicle trying to cross stands only a 50% chance of making it to the other side
  • In flash floods, waters have been known to rise as much as 30 feet, making flash floods the number one weather-related killer in the country.
  • During a flooding event, there is a tremendously increased danger of contracting bacterial, viral and protozoan diseases, as floodwaters can be contaminated with sewage, decaying animals and human remains.

Barhorst also states that, according to documented insurance statistics, U.S. homeowners have a 9 percent chance of suffering fire damage to their home during the course of a 30-year mortgage, while they have a 26 percent chance of incurring flood damage. "And if you live within 100 miles of Houston—in any direction—your chances of experiencing flood damage is exponentially increased," Barhorst said.

Barhorst encourages everyone to review their current insurance policies and make sure they are fully protected.

"We would consider it an honor to provide flood insurance for you and your family, as well. If your home is not covered by flood insurance, you are gambling with your financial future. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of flood insurance, and we at Iscential would love to talk to you about your particular needs. But even if you don't go with us, please, please give serious consideration to acquiring flood insurance. You need it. We all need it."

For more information, or to find out if you're protected, call today:  713.856.5533; or email

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) website has more information on flooding:

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